Guidelines for Authors

Workshop submission

The The CBDAR 2023 workshop submission and reviewing process will use EasyChair.
Submission platform is now open.
  1. Authors are invited to submit the abstract by April 20th, 2023 and their paper by April 24, 2023 – 11:59PM AoE
  2. Submitted papers undergo an immediate single-blind review process, and authors are notified of their acceptance as soon as the review is completed (at the latest by May 31st, 2023)
  3. Camera-ready papers are expected to be sent shortly after their notification of acceptance (May 31st), at the latest by June 07, 2023.

IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors

The CBDAR Program Committee will strictly enforce the IAPR Statement of Ethics. The IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:
  • The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the ICDAR2019 review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism, and
  • The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person.
The IAPR retains the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements and to exclude the authors of such papers from future IAPR community activities.
The full IAPR Statement of Ethics can be found here.

Author Instructions and Paper Format

Authors are invited to submit two types of paper:
  • Full papers describing complete works of research (up to 15 pages).
  • Short papers providing an opportunity to report on research in progress and to present novel positions on graphic recognition (up to 6 pages).
The submitted papers will respect the same policy and conditions of ICDAR 2023 conference papers. Papers should be formatted according to the instructions and style files provided by Springer. The LaTeX template for LNCS can be downloaded here. It is also available on Overleaf. You can also see the author instructions on ICDAR Website for the format.

Camera-Ready Instructions

Accepted papers (full and short) will be published in a Springer LNCS volume dedicated to all ICDAR workshops. Camera ready submission of workshop papers are due by June 07th, 2023.